Crafting · Cross Stitch

Glasses, Glasses, Glasses

I have a new pair of cross stitch glasses to show you. This time I used the wee little stitches pattern and DMC variegated floss to create a tortoiseshell pair of glasses.


It wasn’t until I took the fabric out of the hoop that I noticed I had stitched this sideways. Luckily I left a lot of extra space the whole way around so it shouldn’t be a problem finding a frame.

Continue reading “Glasses, Glasses, Glasses”

Crafting · Cross Stitch

New Spectacles

After more than 10 years wearing various versions of black square frames I decide it was time for a change. They’re pretty dark, but my new glasses are burgundy – quite a bold choice for me.

Of course I matched my cross stitch to my glasses, doesn't everyone?
Of course I matched my cross stitch to my glasses, doesn’t everyone?

So when I was looking for a quick cross stitch project to tide me over until the next Story Time Sampler frame (it’s Little Women, in case you were wondering, and I’ll be starting on that asap) I decided to revisit the Horn Rimmed Glasses pattern from Wee Little Stitches I made almost a year back.

Continue reading “New Spectacles”

Crafting · Cross Stitch

Pretty Colours for a Dreary Day

It’s raining. Rain in December means everything outside is grey and brown and soggy, so I’ll just need to focus on the pretty colours inside. I picked up supplies for a new cross stitch pattern from wee little stitches, I love the colour scheme for this one. I’m not going to tell you what it’s supposed to be just yet, but I will give you a hint: Thank you for being a friend…

Supplies for a new project
Supplies for a new project
Crafting · Cross Stitch

Cross Stitch Glasses

I finished the horn-rimmed glasses pattern from wee little stitches, it was pretty fast and straightforward. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with the finished product – I’ve seen pieces framed, stitched into pillows, worked into quilts, and sewn up into ornaments. I’m just going to let this one sit for a while until I decide.

One thing is for certain though, I’ve got a new hobby on my hands.

Cross stitch specs
Cross stitch glasses